MIDI-fy-ing a Casio CTK-500 keyboard with Arduino Leonardo

| 10 min read

This is a very basic and rough guide accompanied with code to get USB MIDI from an old Casio CTK-500 through Arduino Leonardo. Also available at GitHub

Arduino Leonardo pin-out to CTK-500 Keyboard Flat Connector

First connect the wires according to this diagram. The accompanying code that comes later actually injects voltage over the KO scanning matrix lines (make sure to Google for the CTK-500 Service Manual) - that's why I recommend specifically not connecting the DC voltage to the back of CTK-500. During testing I became aware that the Red LED lights of the CTK-500 were lighting-up just from the Arduino driving of the KO lines, which are indeed connected to the LEDs according to the Service Manual. I strongly recommend against applying DC voltage to the main-board (i.e. connecting the barrel power plug to the back of the Keyboard). I want no complaints of MIDI-frys, hence the fair warning.

It's also worth noting that initially I tried a purely passive approach to coding where you could just probe the state of the KO lines as dictated by the CTK-500 microprocessor (CPU) but that code went nowhere because some KO lines wouldn't have enough representativity in the overall sampling. I'm clueless to why this happens, but while KO00 would have many probes and just worked, other KOs weren't in the end responsive enough.

The code that worked follows later, and it's the kind where we drive the KOs with 5v from Arduino. With this change, there's full responsivity and low-latency. But be smart, and do not energize the main-board with Arduino on - I'll say again just in case :)

Arduino Leonardo pin-out to CTK-500 Keyboard Flat Connector

First try with Female Jumper Cables and a soldered pin-header

Raphaela Elpidio from Circuit Bending Brazil restored the CTK-500 and soldered a pin header to connect Female Jumper Cables

First try with Female Jumper Cables and a soldered pin-header

Final work with bare-wire Jumper Cables soldered to Keyboard Flat Connector

Later on I asked my friend Adriano Amaral from ADR Electronics to solder the bare-wire jumper cables directly to the Keyboard Flat Connector due to persistent bad contact

Final work with bare-wire Jumper Cables soldered to Keyboard Flat Connector

Soldered Jumper Cables overview with main PCB showing

Overhead view of the soldered probes and the Connector in relation to the main Keyboard PCB

Soldered Jumper Cables overview with main PCB showing

Closer look at the Soldered Connector with Jumper Cables exiting drilled hole

Raphaela Elpidio from Circuit Bending Brazil also drilled a hole to the back of the Keyboard Top-Cover allowing free flow of Jumper Cables

Closer look at the Soldered Connector with Jumper Cables exiting drilled hole

Covered Keyboard with Jumper Cables entering the Arduino Leonardo

Ready for Playing

I would like to thank my good friend Abrahão Jr. who believed in the project from day-0 and gifted me with a power-supply for the Casio.

Covered Keyboard with Jumper Cables entering the Arduino Leonardo


Here's the Arduino Leonardo sketch code in all its glory:

* Casio_CTK_500-MIDI-fy.ino
* Created: 22/7/2023 01:30:55 AM
* Author: Geraldo Nascimento
* Copyright 2023-2024

#include <bitHelpers.h>

#include <MIDIUSB.h>
#include <MIDIUSB_Defs.h>
#include <frequencyToNote.h>
#include <pitchToFrequency.h>
#include <pitchToNote.h>

uint8_t baseNote = 24;
const int numRows = 11;
const int numCols = 6;

bool noteState[numRows][numCols] = { false };

unsigned long matrix_up[numRows][numCols] = { 0 };
unsigned long matrix_down[numRows][numCols] = { 0 };
unsigned long nowTime = 0;

uint8_t matrixReps[numRows][numCols] = { 0 };
uint8_t channelValue = 0;

uint16_t allKO = B1;
uint16_t pastKO = 0;

#define KO00 64 // PC6 is high
#define KO01 16 // PF4 is high
#define KO02 64 // PE6 is high
#define KO03 16 // PB4 is high
#define KO04 32 // PB5 is high
#define KO05 64 // PB6 is high
#define KO06 128 // PB7 is high
#define KO07 2 // PF1 is high
#define KO08 128 // PF7 is high
#define KO09 64 // PF6 is high
#define KO10 32 // PF5 is high

#define KI0 4 // PD2 is high
#define KI1 8 // PD3 is high
#define KI2 2 // PD1 is high
#define KI3 1 // PD0 is high
#define KI4 16 // PD4 is high
#define KI5 64 // PD6 is high

void noteOn(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) {
midiEventPacket_t noteOn = { 0x09, 0x90 | channel, pitch, velocity };

void noteOff(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) {
midiEventPacket_t noteOff = { 0x08, 0x80 | channel, pitch, velocity };

int calculateMidiNote(int kiIndex, int koState) {
return baseNote + kiIndex + (koState * numCols);

void handleNoteOn(int kiIndex, int koState) {
// Check if the note is already turned on
if (noteState[koState][kiIndex] == true) {
//Serial.println("Note already on");

else {
int midiNote = calculateMidiNote(kiIndex, koState);
if (midiNote >= 0 && midiNote <= 127) {
Serial.write("NOTE ON ");
// Send the MIDI note-on event with velocity 127 through Channel 1
noteOn(channelValue, midiNote, 127);
Serial.println("NOTE OUT OF RANGE");
// Mark the note as turned on in the array
noteState[koState][kiIndex] = true;

void handleNoteOff(int kiIndex, int koState) {
// Check if the note is already turned on
if (noteState[koState][kiIndex]) {
int midiNote = calculateMidiNote(kiIndex, koState);
if (midiNote >= 0 && midiNote <= 127) {
Serial.write("NOTE OFF ");
// Send the MIDI note-off event with velocity 127
noteOff(channelValue, midiNote, 127);
// Mark the note as turned off in the array
noteState[koState][kiIndex] = false;

else {
} //Serial.println("Note already off"); }

void handleChannelOn(int kiIndex, int koState) {
// Check if the note is already turned on
if (noteState[koState][kiIndex] == true) {
//Serial.println("Note already on");

else {
if (channelValue >= 15) {
channelValue = 255;
Serial.write("Switch to Channel ");
Serial.println(channelValue + 1);
// Mark the note as turned on in the array
noteState[koState][kiIndex] = true;

void handleChannelOff(int kiIndex, int koState) {
if (noteState[koState][kiIndex]) {
noteState[koState][kiIndex] = false;
else {

void handleBaseOctaveOn(int kiIndex, int koState) {
if (noteState[koState][kiIndex]) {
else {
if (baseNote >= 120)
baseNote = 244;
// Check if the note is already turned on
baseNote += 12;
Serial.write("Switch Base Octave to MIDI note ");
noteState[koState][kiIndex] = true;

void handleBaseOctaveOff(int kiIndex, int koState) {
if (noteState[koState][kiIndex]) {
noteState[koState][kiIndex] = false;
else {

void KIagainstKO_up(uint8_t kiIndex, uint8_t koState, uint16_t frequency, uint8_t ceil) {
unsigned long lastTime = matrix_up[koState][kiIndex];

if (lastTime == 0) {
matrix_up[koState][kiIndex] = nowTime;

if ((nowTime - lastTime) > frequency) {
debugKI_KO(kiIndex, koState, frequency, lastTime, nowTime, true, false);
matrix_up[koState][kiIndex] = nowTime;


else if ((nowTime - lastTime) <= frequency) {
debugKI_KO(kiIndex, koState, frequency, lastTime, nowTime, true, true);
matrix_up[koState][kiIndex] = nowTime;

if (matrixReps[koState][kiIndex] < ceil) { matrixReps[koState][kiIndex]++; }

if (matrixReps[koState][kiIndex] == ceil && (kiIndex == 0 || koState != 10)) {
handleNoteOn(kiIndex, koState);
else if (matrixReps[koState][kiIndex] == ceil && (kiIndex == 4 && koState == 10)) {
handleChannelOn(kiIndex, koState);
else if (matrixReps[koState][kiIndex] == ceil && (kiIndex == 5 && koState == 10)) {
handleBaseOctaveOn(kiIndex, koState);

void KIagainstKO_down(uint8_t kiIndex, uint8_t koState, uint8_t frequency) {
unsigned long lastTime = matrix_down[koState][kiIndex];

if (lastTime == 0) {
matrix_down[koState][kiIndex] = nowTime;

if ((nowTime - lastTime) > frequency) {
debugKI_KO(kiIndex, koState, frequency, lastTime, nowTime, false, false);
matrix_down[koState][kiIndex] = nowTime;

else if ((nowTime - lastTime) <= frequency) {
debugKI_KO(kiIndex, koState, frequency, lastTime, nowTime, false, true);
matrix_down[koState][kiIndex] = nowTime;

if (matrixReps[koState][kiIndex] > 0) { matrixReps[koState][kiIndex]--; }

if (matrixReps[koState][kiIndex] == 0 && (kiIndex == 0 || koState != 10)) {
handleNoteOff(kiIndex, koState);
else if (matrixReps[koState][kiIndex] == 0 && (kiIndex == 4 && koState == 10)) {
handleChannelOff(kiIndex, koState);
else if (matrixReps[koState][kiIndex] == 0 && (kiIndex == 5 && koState == 10)) {
handleBaseOctaveOff(kiIndex, koState);

void debugKI_KO(uint8_t kiIndex, uint8_t koState, uint16_t frequency, unsigned long lastTime, unsigned long nowTime, bool ON_OFF, bool lessOrMore) {
// Any value above 10 for koState will disable debug printout
if (koState == 11) {
if (ON_OFF) {
else {

Serial.print(" | ");

if (lessOrMore) {
else {

Serial.print("its | KI");
Serial.print(" | KO");
Serial.print(" | lastTime | ");
Serial.print(" | nowTime | ");
Serial.print(" | REPS ");

void setup() {
// KI key signal
pinMode(0, INPUT);
pinMode(1, INPUT);
pinMode(2, INPUT);
pinMode(3, INPUT);
pinMode(4, INPUT);
pinMode(12, INPUT);

// KO scan signal
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
pinMode(A0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(A1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(A2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(A3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(A4, OUTPUT);


void loop() {

unsigned long time = millis();
if (nowTime == time)

// Check if KO00 is scanning
if (allKO == B1) {
if ((PIND & KI0) == KI0) {
KIagainstKO_up(0, 0, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(0, 0, 12);

if ((PIND & KI1) == KI1) {
KIagainstKO_up(1, 0, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(1, 0, 12);

if ((PIND & KI2) == KI2) {
KIagainstKO_up(2, 0, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(2, 0, 12);

if ((PIND & KI3) == KI3) {
KIagainstKO_up(3, 0, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(3, 0, 12);

if ((PIND & KI4) == KI4) {
KIagainstKO_up(4, 0, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(4, 0, 12);

if ((PIND & KI5) == KI5) {
KIagainstKO_up(5, 0, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(5, 0, 12);
// Check if KO01 is scanning
else if ((allKO & B10) == B10) {
if ((PIND & KI0) == KI0) {
KIagainstKO_up(0, 1, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(0, 1, 12);

if ((PIND & KI1) == KI1) {
KIagainstKO_up(1, 1, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(1, 1, 12);

if ((PIND & KI2) == KI2) {
KIagainstKO_up(2, 1, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(2, 1, 12);

if ((PIND & KI3) == KI3) {
KIagainstKO_up(3, 1, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(3, 1, 12);

if ((PIND & KI4) == KI4) {
KIagainstKO_up(4, 1, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(4, 1, 12);

if ((PIND & KI5) == KI5) {
KIagainstKO_up(5, 1, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(5, 1, 12);
// Check if KO02 is scanning
else if ((allKO & B100) == B100) {
if ((PIND & KI0) == KI0) {
KIagainstKO_up(0, 2, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(0, 2, 12);

if ((PIND & KI1) == KI1) {
KIagainstKO_up(1, 2, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(1, 2, 12);

if ((PIND & KI2) == KI2) {
KIagainstKO_up(2, 2, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(2, 2, 12);

if ((PIND & KI3) == KI3) {
KIagainstKO_up(3, 2, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(3, 2, 12);

if ((PIND & KI4) == KI4) {
KIagainstKO_up(4, 2, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(4, 2, 12);

if ((PIND & KI5) == KI5) {
KIagainstKO_up(5, 2, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(5, 2, 12);
// Check if KO03 is scanning
else if ((allKO & B1000) == B1000) {
if ((PIND & KI0) == KI0) {
KIagainstKO_up(0, 3, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(0, 3, 12);

if ((PIND & KI1) == KI1) {
KIagainstKO_up(1, 3, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(1, 3, 12);

if ((PIND & KI2) == KI2) {
KIagainstKO_up(2, 3, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(2, 3, 12);

if ((PIND & KI3) == KI3) {
KIagainstKO_up(3, 3, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(3, 3, 12);

if ((PIND & KI4) == KI4) {
KIagainstKO_up(4, 3, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(4, 3, 12);

if ((PIND & KI5) == KI5) {
KIagainstKO_up(5, 3, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(5, 3, 12);
// Check if KO04 is scanning
else if ((allKO & B10000) == B10000) {
if ((PIND & KI0) == KI0) {
KIagainstKO_up(0, 4, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(0, 4, 12);

if ((PIND & KI1) == KI1) {
KIagainstKO_up(1, 4, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(1, 4, 12);

if ((PIND & KI2) == KI2) {
KIagainstKO_up(2, 4, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(2, 4, 12);

if ((PIND & KI3) == KI3) {
KIagainstKO_up(3, 4, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(3, 4, 12);

if ((PIND & KI4) == KI4) {
KIagainstKO_up(4, 4, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(4, 4, 12);

if ((PIND & KI5) == KI5) {
KIagainstKO_up(5, 4, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(5, 4, 12);
// Check if KO05 is scanning
else if ((allKO & B100000) == B100000) {
if ((PIND & KI0) == KI0) {
KIagainstKO_up(0, 5, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(0, 5, 12);

if ((PIND & KI1) == KI1) {
KIagainstKO_up(1, 5, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(1, 5, 12);

if ((PIND & KI2) == KI2) {
KIagainstKO_up(2, 5, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(2, 5, 12);

if ((PIND & KI3) == KI3) {
KIagainstKO_up(3, 5, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(3, 5, 12);

if ((PIND & KI4) == KI4) {
KIagainstKO_up(4, 5, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(4, 5, 12);

if ((PIND & KI5) == KI5) {
KIagainstKO_up(5, 5, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(5, 5, 12);
// Check if KO06 is scanning
else if ((allKO & B1000000) == B1000000) {
if ((PIND & KI0) == KI0) {
KIagainstKO_up(0, 6, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(0, 6, 12);

if ((PIND & KI1) == KI1) {
KIagainstKO_up(1, 6, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(1, 6, 12);

if ((PIND & KI2) == KI2) {
KIagainstKO_up(2, 6, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(2, 6, 12);

if ((PIND & KI3) == KI3) {
KIagainstKO_up(3, 6, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(3, 6, 12);

if ((PIND & KI4) == KI4) {
KIagainstKO_up(4, 6, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(4, 6, 12);

if ((PIND & KI5) == KI5) {
KIagainstKO_up(5, 6, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(5, 6, 12);
// Check if KO07 is scanning
else if ((allKO & B10000000) == B10000000) {
if ((PIND & KI0) == KI0) {
KIagainstKO_up(0, 7, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(0, 7, 12);

if ((PIND & KI1) == KI1) {
KIagainstKO_up(1, 7, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(1, 7, 12);

if ((PIND & KI2) == KI2) {
KIagainstKO_up(2, 7, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(2, 7, 12);

if ((PIND & KI3) == KI3) {
KIagainstKO_up(3, 7, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(3, 7, 12);

if ((PIND & KI4) == KI4) {
KIagainstKO_up(4, 7, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(4, 7, 12);

if ((PIND & KI5) == KI5) {
KIagainstKO_up(5, 7, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(5, 7, 12);
// Check if KO08 is scanning
else if ((allKO & 0b100000000) == 0b100000000) {
if ((PIND & KI0) == KI0) {
KIagainstKO_up(0, 8, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(0, 8, 12);

if ((PIND & KI1) == KI1) {
KIagainstKO_up(1, 8, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(1, 8, 12);

if ((PIND & KI2) == KI2) {
KIagainstKO_up(2, 8, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(2, 8, 12);

if ((PIND & KI3) == KI3) {
KIagainstKO_up(3, 8, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(3, 8, 12);

if ((PIND & KI4) == KI4) {
KIagainstKO_up(4, 8, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(4, 8, 12);

if ((PIND & KI5) == KI5) {
KIagainstKO_up(5, 8, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(5, 8, 12);
// Check if KO09 is scanning
else if ((allKO & 0b1000000000) == 0b1000000000) {
if ((PIND & KI0) == KI0) {
KIagainstKO_up(0, 9, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(0, 9, 12);

if ((PIND & KI1) == KI1) {
KIagainstKO_up(1, 9, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(1, 9, 12);

if ((PIND & KI2) == KI2) {
KIagainstKO_up(2, 9, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(2, 9, 12);

if ((PIND & KI3) == KI3) {
KIagainstKO_up(3, 9, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(3, 9, 12);

if ((PIND & KI4) == KI4) {
KIagainstKO_up(4, 9, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(4, 9, 12);

if ((PIND & KI5) == KI5) {
KIagainstKO_up(5, 9, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(5, 9, 12);
// Check if KO10 is scanning
else if ((allKO & 0b10000000000) == 0b10000000000) {
if ((PIND & KI0) == KI0) {
KIagainstKO_up(0, 10, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(0, 10, 12);

if ((PIND & KI4) == KI4) {
KIagainstKO_up(4, 10, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(4, 10, 12);

if ((PIND & KI5) == KI5) {
KIagainstKO_up(5, 10, 12, 2);
else {
KIagainstKO_down(5, 10, 12);

MidiUSB.flush(); // send any pending events
pastKO = allKO;

if (allKO != 0b10000000000) {
allKO = allKO << 1;
else {
allKO = B1;
// We are ready for one whole iteration of the loop
// Increase the frame count for comparison in
// KIagainstKO_ functions
nowTime = millis();

PORTC &= ~KO00;
PORTF &= ~KO01;
PORTE &= ~KO02;
PORTB &= ~KO03;
PORTB &= ~KO04;
PORTB &= ~KO05;
PORTB &= ~KO06;
PORTF &= ~KO07;
PORTF &= ~KO08;
PORTF &= ~KO09;
PORTF &= ~KO10;

if (allKO == B1)
PORTC |= KO00;
if (allKO == B10)
PORTF |= KO01;
if (allKO == B100)
PORTE |= KO02;
if (allKO == B1000)
PORTB |= KO03;
if (allKO == B10000)
PORTB |= KO04;
if (allKO == B100000)
PORTB |= KO05;
if (allKO == B1000000)
PORTB |= KO06;
if (allKO == B10000000)
PORTF |= KO07;
if (allKO == 0b100000000)
PORTF |= KO08;
if (allKO == 0b1000000000)
PORTF |= KO09;
if (allKO == 0b10000000000)
PORTF |= KO10;